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Thread: WGC Paint Contest 2013 - I did think we could do it....

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  1. #2
    Senior Member Psyberwolfe's Avatar
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    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by BDub View Post
    ... that is, I didn't think we could make it any more ghetto and disappointing, but we pulled it off! Yay!

    Prize support is nice, but the real reason people enter a painting contest is for the recognition and acknowledgment from their piers. But, not only could we not scrape together $20 in prize support for the 1st place winners, this year we couldn't even be bothered to read out their names!

    That's right! we accepted money from people, from some for no other reason than the privilege of participating in some friendly competition, and then didn't even think it was worth giving them the satisfaction of knowing how they did! How is that for a '**** You, thanks for playin'?

    If WGC can't even carve out some funds or even some prize support from vendors, or hell even printing up a certificate, then don't insult people by having the damn thing.

    It was not just pathetic, it was rude and inconsiderate.


    If we can't even be bothered to read the category winners names out and hand out at least some certificates then I say this event goes away. Seriously. This was some BS.

    ETA: However the two winners that were announced did get GREX Airbrushes.
    Last edited by Psyberwolfe; 06-10-2013 at 09:10 AM.
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