This came up when I was playing a game with Steve last night, and Jwolf stated that majority cover saves were still in effect, and that to deny the gaunts cover, I would have had to focus fire against the guys who were not in cover (In this particular case, the rule matters because the models that weren't in cover were the closest models to my firing unit)
P18 in the BRB: Determining Cover Saves -
If, when you come to allocate a wound, the target model's body (as defined on page 8) is at least 25% obscured from the point of view of at least one firer, wounds allocated to that model receive a cover save.
There is no longer any clause that I can find that gives the entire unit a cover save based upon 50% of the unit physically being in or behind a standard piece of area terrain.
Focus fire should only have applied if I wanted to deny cover to part of a unit, if the closest models to me were the ones in or behind area terrain.