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Thread: Wargamescon GK list...looking for feedback

  1. #1

    Wargamescon GK list...looking for feedback

    So I ran this last night...

    2 x 10 purifiers (5 halberd, 1 hammer, 4 psycannon)
    3 x 10 purifier (5 sword, 1 hammer, 4 psycannon)
    3 x psyrifle dreads

    Got beat by splug's black templars in a spearhead, capture and control game. Reasonably competitive game, was hurt by the relatively short range of the psycannons (and by being outplayed). Didn't have any way to threaten his backfield. Dreadnoughts died early, did relatively little.

    Beat muffinman's orcs. Purifiers are really sick vs. multi-wound nobs and hordes of boyz. No surprise there. Dreadnoughts killed a nob squad, otherwise did little.

    Crowe was awful in both games.

    I'd really like to fit some techmarines in for grenades, bolster, and an extra hammerhand where it is needed.

    List #2

    Librarian (sanctuary, shroud, quicksilver, rift)
    2 x techmarine w/rad & psychostoke
    4 x 10 purifiers (5 halberd, 1 hammer, 4 psycannon)
    2 x psyrifle

    Fewer boots. Fewer guns. Bolster + grenades, 2+ cover saves with shroud. Better?

  2. #2
    Senior Member RealGenius's Avatar
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    It doesn't look like you did anything to increase your ability to threaten the backfield, esp by removing a dread. It might be the wrong way to go, but Storm Raven?
    This is why you don't go to Jim's. --Minus67
    Rook End | The Fly Lords of Terra

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by RealGenius View Post
    It doesn't look like you did anything to increase your ability to threaten the backfield, esp by removing a dread. It might be the wrong way to go, but Storm Raven?
    Very true. Is running one stormraven viable? It seems like it would be immediately shot out of the sky...unless I go first (where I could move flat-out and shroud it) or reserve it (dicey w/o communion on the table). I could stick Crowe in it and have him go maul long fangs or something... Or I could dump Crowe altogether...

    Xenos w/psychostroke and rad, psyker w/communion 85
    Librarian 170
    techmarine w/psychostroke and rad 115
    1 x 10 purifiers (5 halberd, 1 hammer, 4 psycannon) 295
    1 x 9 purifiers (2 psycannon, 7 halberds) 250
    Stormraven 205
    2 x GKSS (8 sword, 1 hammer, 2 psycannon) 460
    3 x psyrifle 405

    15 spare points

  4. #4
    Another thought:

    Grandmaster w/psychostroke, rad, and blind 210
    3 x 10 purifiers (5 halberd, 1 hammer, 4 psycannon) 885
    2 x 5 GKSS ( 4 swords, 1 psycannon) 220
    1 x 10 interceptor (8 swords, 2 psycannon) 280
    3 x psyrifle 405

    I lose: 4 psycannons. Go from 50 dudes who score to 10 (but master can add another 10-30)
    I gain: Ability to DS interceptors and GKSS. Warpquake. Grand strategy. Replace Crowe w/ a reasonably nasty IC w/grenades who can hide in a unit.


  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Silly man, GKGM is for Scout and Outflank for a Crowe army. Nothing like Purifiers on the board edges for threatening the enemy backfield.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by jwolf View Post
    Silly man, GKGM is for Scout and Outflank for a Crowe army. Nothing like Purifiers on the board edges for threatening the enemy backfield.
    Excellent point. That still leaves me paying the Crowe tax though....

    Grandmaster w/psychostroke, rad, and blind, psycannon 255
    Crowe 150
    4 x 10 purifiers (5 halberd, 1 hammer, 4 psycannon) 1180
    3 x psyrifle 405

    1990 pts. 42 dudes + 3 dreads.

    Needs tuning, but that is pretty ugly.


    Grandmaster w/psychostroke, rad, and blind+ psycannon 255
    Crowe 150
    3 x 10 purifiers (5 halberd, 1 hammer, 4 psycannon)+ 3 rhinos 1005
    1 x 10 purifiers (6 swords, 4 psycannon)+ rhino 320
    2 x psyrifle 270

    Lose one dread and everyone mechs up. Grandmaster stays on foot (obviously) with a dismounted squad, Crowe grabs that rhino.
    Last edited by vermicious knid; 06-17-2011 at 07:16 PM.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    "A unit with the scouts rule conveys scout to it's dedicated transport." Pretty nice getting the Rhinos and their purifiers into the enemy DZ.

    Don't complain about the Crowe tax. Crowe shopuld eat something good every game, and Purifiers are sickeningly good FEARLESS troops.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by jwolf View Post
    "A unit with the scouts rule conveys scout to it's dedicated transport." Pretty nice getting the Rhinos and their purifiers into the enemy DZ.

    Don't complain about the Crowe tax. Crowe shopuld eat something good every game, and Purifiers are sickeningly good FEARLESS troops.
    ...and now I'm playing marines in boxes like everyone else. Curse you 5th edition! *shakes fist in direction of UK*

    I'm tempted to drop the dreads entirely. Those + the GM psycannon & blind grenades give me another 6 sword/4 psycannon squad in a rhino.

    mmm...20 psycannons. 52 dudes. Nasty grenades and outflanking shenanigans.

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    I think adding the rhinos adds a lot more than the dreadnoughts did, though as we discussed you need to be ready to swap tactics and turn into an assault army if you're playing against a gun line.

    The grand master is always going to be attached to one squad. That squad can't fit into a rhino. If you drop the rhino from one squad and can scrape together 5 points from somewhere else, you can give the GM his psycannon back - and a relentless BS6 psycannon is pretty awesome.

    EDIT: We both also probably should make Grand Strategy tokens to stick with our squads... because I don't know how many rounds of shooting finished with the phrase, "Oh, and I should have rerolled my 1's. Oops."
    Last edited by Splug; 06-24-2011 at 02:56 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rigphoria
    lying and bluffing is shockingly easy.
    Quote Originally Posted by Splug
    You say that, but if I'm dealt a Cylon card I've got about half a turn before Steve throws me out an airlock
    Quote Originally Posted by Rigphoria
    steve can detect his own kind. that doesn't count.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Splug View Post
    I think adding the rhinos adds a lot more than the dreadnoughts did, though as we discussed you need to be ready to swap tactics and turn into an assault army if you're playing against a gun line.

    The grand master is always going to be attached to one squad. That squad can't fit into a rhino. If you drop the rhino from one squad and can scrape together 5 points from somewhere else, you can give the GM his psycannon back - and a relentless BS6 psycannon is pretty awesome.

    EDIT: We both also probably should make Grand Strategy tokens to stick with our squads... because I don't know how many rounds of shooting finished with the phrase, "Oh, and I should have rerolled my 1's. Oops."
    That is an excellent idea...but I don't know if jwolf would let me resubmit my list at this point. Hmmm...

    Yeah, forgetting to reroll was just the universe telling me I should have started two squads on the board (leaving their rhinos home) and scouted straight at your bunker. Why was I hugging cover when my armor save was better?

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