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Thread: How Horrible is This List?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Salubrious_vampire's Avatar
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    Austin, Texas

    How Horrible is This List?

    So, with the lack of pick up games at wargamescon (at least the times I was there) and the bizarre ninja hidings of the Malifaux 2.0 guy, I spent too much time perusing the vendors and finally ended up grabbing some infinity stuff. Of course, I grabbed the shiny cool stuff not knowing how functional it would be. How horrible would this list be to start (and of course, how legal)? The key part is I want to use the Maruts, everyone knows I love big stompy minis that tower over everyone else. That, and some of the posthumans.

    Aleph, 300 points

    -Maruts (Lieutenant) 122/3
    Strategos L3, Multi-HMG, Heavy Flamethrower, Nanopulser, AP CCW
    -Dakini Tacbots X3 39
    Combi Rifle, electric pulse
    -Sophotect 31
    Combi Rifle, D Charges, Pistol, Knife
    -Posthuman MK1 22/.5
    Hacker, Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, Pistol, Knife
    -Posthuman MK1 14
    Engineer, Combi Rifle, Nanopulser, D charges, Pistol, Knife
    -Posthuman MK2 29/1.5
    Multi Sniper Rifle, Nanopulser, Pistol, Knife
    -Zayin Rebot 34/1
    HMG, Monofilament Mines, Electric Pulse
    -Yudbot 3
    Electric Pulse
    -Netrod 4
    Electric Pulse

    298 Points 6 Special Weapon Points

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2010
    Not sure about the Ava of the Posthumans. Other than that, you would have to run 2 combat groups because you have 11 models(the Netrod counts). So you'd be light on orders, especially considering the 3 Posthumans will only generate one.

  3. #3
    It's not bad especially if this is your first attempt at making a list, but in my opinion the list is a little light on offensive threats. You've got the Marut (which is fierce) but if that goes down you're going to struggle a bit. The HMG remote has firepower but with 0 ARM and only 1 STR it's not going to last long when your opponent decides to take it out or you get a bad roll. I've found the total reaction remotes to be most effective at a defensive area denial role, but your mileage may vary. That leaves you with your Posthuman sniper. The multi-sniper rifle is high damage but low burst. It really needs to take advantage of its long range and with the terrain levels you need for a good Infinity game that's going to limit where it can be used to its best advantage. Its another solid defensive choice to hold down an area but is going to struggle to make big moves on offense.

    If you could get one more multi-wound model with a high burst weapon and a decent ARM value you'd be set. Maybe drop the Proxy Mk.2 Engineer for a Proxy Mk.3. You've already got an Engy with the Sophotect and the Mk.3 with 2W, 4ARM and a Spitfire is just the backup punch you need for the TAG. You'd need to double check but I don't think you can take both the Proxy Mk.2 Engy and the Proxy Mk.2 Hacker in the same list anyways. If I'm remembering correctly you can only have one of each Proxy type (Mk.1, Mk.2, Mk.3)
    Last edited by granik; 06-12-2013 at 09:02 AM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Salubrious_vampire's Avatar
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    Austin, Texas
    One of the issues I was running into is if I'm reading all the rules correctly (horribly unlikely, it's a rough chunk of rules to just sit through and read), I can't fit a Tag, sniper mk2 and mk3 posthuman all in the same list (tag 3, sniper 1.5 and spitfire 2 points in heavy weapons for 6.5). I'll have to go back and scrounge through the books, but maybe drop one mk1, the mk 2 and a yudbot for a mk3 posthuman and one other model. That would leave me with a full 10 person group, only 2 posthumans so 9 models counting for orders instead of 8 in the group, and the chance to fit in one more weapon with a little punch (though I'm not sure if that's doable. I'm guessing most punchy weapons have a heavy weapon cost).

    I was going with a sophotect and posthuman both with engineer because between the Maruts, rebot and tacbots I've got an awful lot of points tied up in robotic models. Is the second engineer overkill, or would that prove useful?

    Oh, and Blackyujiro: as far as I can tell the availability of posthumans is technically 1, but that's a minigroup of them that has to consist of minimum 2 maximum 3 proxies.

  5. #5
    I think the extra engy is overkill. If you want your engineer to be in more places than one pick up a couple Yudbots (I see you have one but they're AVA 2). The G: Servant rule they have means they get to function as a remote extension of your doctor or engineer. You spend an order to activate your Doc/Engy but use the bot instead. They're much faster than your actual Doc/Engy, are small, have CH: Mimetism, and are cheap all of which makes them perfect for rushing to that downed trooper while you keep the actual Doc/Engy safe. They don't generate orders but they don't take spots in your Combat Group either so the Sophetect with 2 Yudbots is still just one out of 10 spots but lets you have healing and Engy skills in three places on the board.

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