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Thread: this one's for Darkwynn

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  1. #1
    Senior Member morella888's Avatar
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    Nov 2011

    this one's for Darkwynn

    Starting this off with the most important message: Nick, it really saddens me that you feel vilified (that's probably not quite the best characterization, idk) and so don’t want to play at DL anymore. I hope you change your mind. I hope anyone who shares my sentiment says so as well.

    To everyone then, here’s a few things I strongly believe about this group. I hope at least some of y’all will think a bit on them.
    - Most of you are pretty terrible about ‘hearing’ things other people say in Their voice, instead of through Your own filter.
    - The gossip train here is as bad as in any group of teenage girls.
    - Some of us tend to talk in a manner that can sound antagonistic (myself included)
    - Some are more sensitive to this than others (sorry John, not everyone grows up in a place like Port Arthur )
    - Some of us just like to argue sometimes – maybe this is the only place we really have for philosophical debates.
    - Too often we don’t cut others any slack for these differences
    - Most of the people here are pretty rad despite all that

    I’m not going to agree with that tired, and imo false, statement that the community here is poisonous. However, I do know that of the 4 people who really went out of their way to make me feel welcome in the 40k scene here three years ago, only John Cook is still playing 40k regularly. I think it really sucks that Matt R, Mike B, and Tim aren’t, and that the temperament of the group has at least something to do with their absence as well as the choice by several others to take a 40k hiatus. A choice I had also been personally considering lately.

    I really don't want to see any more of my friends walk away because of petty bs. I have been trying for a long time to get others to come back, to little success. And it really breaks my heart that this happens so often because of nonsense and misunderstanding, and that not enough people seem to care about it.
    Last edited by morella888; 07-17-2015 at 08:07 AM.

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