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skuller05 AGE OF SIGMAR FIGURES 06-26-2015,
11:21 AM
Caldera02 Is it really going to be... 06-26-2015,
11:22 AM
morella888 Not sure I am digging the... 06-26-2015,
11:30 AM
skuller05 Rumor says that round bases... 06-26-2015,
11:38 AM
RealGenius Those look like Space... 06-26-2015,
12:10 PM
skuller05 They look like WH precursor... 06-26-2015,
12:21 PM
dihochard Those are so different from... 06-26-2015,
12:50 PM
RealGenius Does that big chaosy thing... 06-26-2015,
12:54 PM
RealGenius I call that a win! 06-26-2015,
12:55 PM
skuller05 Always wanted to do Flash... 06-26-2015,
02:40 PM
SilverBullet so what is going to be your... 06-26-2015,
06:45 PM
Revenant I am looking forward to the... 06-26-2015,
07:52 PM
SilverBullet I don't mind the models kind... 06-26-2015,
08:12 PM
DimitriX I'm also very much on the... 06-27-2015,
06:51 AM
morella888 You know, if everyone (or... 06-27-2015,
04:11 PM
SilverBullet 13031304
Some more pics... 06-27-2015,
04:46 PM
Gilean1 So lets wait and see what... 06-27-2015,
09:58 PM
RazorMind also heard the new models... 06-27-2015,
10:26 PM
bpierce566 Hello blood angels captain... 06-29-2015,
05:50 PM
RealGenius I think you are forgetting... 06-29-2015,
07:17 PM
morella888 From what seems to be going... 06-29-2015,
07:29 PM
hdctambien The word on the street is... 06-29-2015,
07:45 PM
eaglesmvp11 only two spells in the 'LRB'.... 06-29-2015,
09:26 PM
RealGenius Anyone else thinking the... 06-29-2015,
09:33 PM
mathusala0 It very clearly says that... 06-30-2015,
01:24 AM
hdctambien A scan of the full 4 pages of... 06-30-2015,
12:18 PM
RazorMind why can't folks scan a page... 06-30-2015,
06:27 PM
RealGenius I was thinking, "Thundercats,... 07-01-2015,
05:29 AM
DimitriX I'm still going to hold out... 07-01-2015,
10:36 AM
mrjones Those blood warriors or... 07-01-2015,
12:51 PM
RealGenius Yeah, I heard someone say... 07-01-2015,
01:16 PM
RazorMind What do you think of the new... 07-01-2015,
08:49 PM
RealGenius Terminator sized. Perfect! 07-01-2015,
09:05 PM
Revenant Are we having an age of... 07-02-2015,
01:41 PM
Geist A thread was created... 07-02-2015,
02:27 PM
RealGenius From reading this, unit... 07-02-2015,
10:19 PM
RazorMind bat rep using AoS rules from... 07-03-2015,
09:37 AM
cptjoeyg I read the store's copy of... 07-03-2015,
10:21 AM
hdctambien I have a feeling shooting and... 07-03-2015,
11:21 AM
SilverBullet It's dead. Don't try and tell... 07-03-2015,
11:36 AM
Caldera02 I wonder if it will even be... 07-03-2015,
12:41 PM
morella888 I plan to keep playing 8th.... 07-03-2015,
12:53 PM
RedArmy It's hard to keep people... 07-03-2015,
01:07 PM
morella888 Lately, I have mostly played... 07-03-2015,
01:09 PM
hdctambien I'm still reading the... 07-03-2015,
05:28 PM
Nathan Brakel I have rules for Darklands... 07-03-2015,
05:29 PM
hdctambien @Revenant Bastiladon's are... 07-03-2015,
06:06 PM
Caldera02 I just read the Dark Elf... 07-03-2015,
06:08 PM
hdctambien Well, that's a wrap:
Quote... 07-03-2015,
06:15 PM
cptjoeyg HA HA...Games Workshop has... 07-03-2015,
06:35 PM
DimitriX Thanks! 07-03-2015,
07:03 PM
morella888 Stormcast eternal is exact... 07-03-2015,
07:22 PM
RazorMind AoS is garbage, I hope the... 07-03-2015,
09:17 PM
cptjoeyg So I wonder....if GW can... 07-03-2015,
09:25 PM
SilverBullet if you bring a goblet to your... 07-03-2015,
09:30 PM
hdctambien Chris, what points value are... 07-03-2015,
09:34 PM
SilverBullet i was thinking a 1000 points... 07-03-2015,
09:49 PM
eaglesmvp11 It's very clearly a joke rule. 07-04-2015,
08:52 AM
RazorMind ha, show up at Dlair and see... 07-04-2015,
08:54 AM
RazorMind Hitler seems to sum it up... 07-04-2015,
02:01 PM
Geist That sums up most of it. 07-04-2015,
02:22 PM
mrjones I have a good idea for the... 07-04-2015,
02:59 PM
morella888 To your last paragraph, that... 07-04-2015,
06:15 PM
hdctambien When Chris mentioned that we... 07-04-2015,
06:47 PM
morella888 From scheduling malifaux... 07-04-2015,
07:01 PM
hdctambien KoW works great with GW minis... 07-04-2015,
07:39 PM
morella888 Good to know. I had looked at... 07-04-2015,
07:46 PM
DimitriX I see this as the same... 07-04-2015,
10:01 PM
morella888 This is exactly why i hope... 07-04-2015,
10:22 PM
vermicious knid Kings of War downloaded. My... 07-05-2015,
09:01 AM
eaglesmvp11 I get the hate. I would love... 07-05-2015,
10:26 AM
eaglesmvp11 Most of what ive seen are... 07-05-2015,
10:51 AM
DimitriX I gave AoS a shot today. I... 07-05-2015,
06:20 PM
RealGenius I don't... What does that... 07-05-2015,
08:30 PM
SilverBullet There is a battle report up... 07-05-2015,
09:15 PM
morella888 Well, you can always agree... 07-05-2015,
11:39 PM
morella888 Why should they bother with a... 07-06-2015,
12:43 AM
morella888 I agree with your basic... 07-06-2015,
05:35 AM
hdctambien Older players have money to... 07-06-2015,
06:19 AM
morella888 . My basis for what attracts... 07-06-2015,
06:50 AM
DimitriX I tend to agree that GW's... 07-06-2015,
06:50 AM
morella888 Those are exactly the reasons... 07-06-2015,
06:54 AM
hdctambien > The et books 'sold out'... 07-06-2015,
07:59 AM
RealGenius It is interesting how people... 07-06-2015,
08:08 AM
Bettythebear These internet discussions... 07-06-2015,
09:42 AM
Bettythebear Hahaha. There's a thought in... 07-06-2015,
10:43 AM
SilverBullet Over on Natfka they are... 07-06-2015,
11:10 AM
Cavematt This. 07-06-2015,
12:28 PM
eaglesmvp11 Dang, not naming it Silly... 07-06-2015,
03:51 PM
eaglesmvp11 so it looks like they are... 07-06-2015,
09:07 PM
RazorMind 07-06-2015,
09:40 PM
Kharnage Ehhh, being forced is true... 07-07-2015,
07:36 AM
Nate668 I've been checking out the... 07-07-2015,
06:06 PM
Charles Stampley How did last night's KoW game... 07-08-2015,
07:15 AM
Hogleg I'll run the AOS... 07-10-2015,
02:06 AM
eaglesmvp11 Galen at DL was saying they... 07-10-2015,
08:24 AM
cptjoeyg It can be done. 07-10-2015,
11:09 AM
SilverBullet Anything can be done. But is... 07-10-2015,
11:40 AM
eaglesmvp11 Well i was told you get... 07-10-2015,
12:32 PM
RazorMind Man, even the Mexican talk... 07-10-2015,
12:51 PM
RazorMind Man, they are sure proud of... 07-12-2015,
12:16 AM
morella888 Man, tyson, you're making me... 07-12-2015,
02:36 AM
morella888 That seems to be what the... 07-12-2015,
03:11 AM
Senior Member
That seems to be what the open minded are saying, i haven't been down on it, i just have so many systems going already. But may give it a try if i have some free time.
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