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Thread: An expanded magic system for kow

  1. #1
    Senior Member Revenant's Avatar
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    Warhammer legend 1990 -2015. RIP Warhammer Fantasy. F**k GW
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    This looks like it will make KoW even better.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    Having read over it and taken the time to understand it, I find this will be a good addition to the system. Now if the Indy's will adopt it or just go bare book is another thing.
    "The Machine will grind you down."
    Inventor of the "Chris Noble".

    Bayou 2011 "Hero to Zero"
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    "He's a judicious calculating master tactitician who will exploit the slightest weakness in anyone's plan and known for building intricate masterful lists that are incredibly hard to destroy and making people pay dearly for tactical mistakes. "

  4. #4
    Senior Member eaglesmvp11's Avatar
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    Is this from mantic? I cant open it so im not sure

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by eaglesmvp11 View Post
    Is this from mantic? I cant open it so im not sure
    Do a quick Google search, it looks like the person who created it, Doug Newton-Walters, does not work for Mantic Games. So, I'm guessing this is more of a house rule than an official rule. But, I still haven't gotten my book yet, so I can't say for sure.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    It's fan fiction but done well.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    I hope Mantic comes out with more spells, magic items. That is one thing I do miss about old Warhamms

  8. #8
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    I think with the magic items in the book and this magic system it should fill the need fine. We have something like 50 magic items and now what 4 lores? This gives indepth complexity and stays away from the bloated 7th ed magic item maddness. Who knows maybe Mantic will adopt it and make it part of the next release or 3rd ed?
    "The Machine will grind you down."
    Inventor of the "Chris Noble".

    Bayou 2011 "Hero to Zero"
    Lone Wolf 2011 9 3rd overall. "GateKeeper"
    2013 North Texas Battles 3rd overall and tied for 3rd best sport.

    "He's a judicious calculating master tactitician who will exploit the slightest weakness in anyone's plan and known for building intricate masterful lists that are incredibly hard to destroy and making people pay dearly for tactical mistakes. "

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