The screams of these items begging to be rescued from my melt bin are unbearable. Please rescue them so I don't have to listen to them anymore.
1 Tomb Spyder (w/ Particle weapon thingy) NIB $10
2 Dark Elf Shades NIB $5 (These are metal shades in a blister)
1 Mallus Darkblade NIB $10 (Blister starting to pull from card) Spoken for
1 High Elf Repeating Bolt Thrower NIB (Blister just popped off of card) (old version) $15
15 Nurgle Plague Bearers (old version) with 3 Nurglings $20
12 Horrors of Tzeentch (old version) $10
10 (I Think +/- 2) Armless Flamers of Tzeentch (old version) $5
1 lot of parts that will make 2 old version metal Demon Princes $15
1 Tomb Kings Tomb Swarms (there are two swarm bases) $10
I'm interested in Cash or Dragon's Lair gift certificates. The only Trade I'm really interested in is the new WFB Empire Army Book.