It's not bad especially if this is your first attempt at making a list, but in my opinion the list is a little light on offensive threats. You've got the Marut (which is fierce) but if that goes down you're going to struggle a bit. The HMG remote has firepower but with 0 ARM and only 1 STR it's not going to last long when your opponent decides to take it out or you get a bad roll. I've found the total reaction remotes to be most effective at a defensive area denial role, but your mileage may vary. That leaves you with your Posthuman sniper. The multi-sniper rifle is high damage but low burst. It really needs to take advantage of its long range and with the terrain levels you need for a good Infinity game that's going to limit where it can be used to its best advantage. Its another solid defensive choice to hold down an area but is going to struggle to make big moves on offense.
If you could get one more multi-wound model with a high burst weapon and a decent ARM value you'd be set. Maybe drop the Proxy Mk.2 Engineer for a Proxy Mk.3. You've already got an Engy with the Sophotect and the Mk.3 with 2W, 4ARM and a Spitfire is just the backup punch you need for the TAG. You'd need to double check but I don't think you can take both the Proxy Mk.2 Engy and the Proxy Mk.2 Hacker in the same list anyways. If I'm remembering correctly you can only have one of each Proxy type (Mk.1, Mk.2, Mk.3)