Thanks again for the event guys - I think the consensus from the Austin group is that everyone had a great time. The common concern I heard from a few people (myself included) was that the missions (particularly, ones relating to characters) could have been better - they just didn't translate well against a Xenos / Chaos Deamons opponent, where characters were far less common. That said, 6th edition is still relatively new for the tournament scene. Even if it didn't work out perfectly, I respect you guys for moving the mission goals to a mechanic the new edition centers around. It was certainly moving in the right direction rather than just playing 5e book missions (capture/control, etc) like a lot of tournaments have been - I look forward to seeing the next iteration next year.
Also - thanks for sorting out the pairing system. I think there were very few Austin v Austin games, and most of those were at the point late enough in the tournament where scheduling didn't really give any room for error. I don't know how the other cities faired for playing out-of-town, but I know we did much better on that front. Thanks!