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Thread: 40k Map based Campiagn Damoclues Gulf test rules

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    Hedgefund (Admin) Darkwynn's Avatar
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    Sep 2010

    40k Map based Campiagn Damoclues Gulf test rules

    Using Damocles Gulf map which has roughly 10 stars. Depending on how many players we cut down the map.

    Basic idea there will be three sides

    Greater Good:
    Tau can take 10% of IG forces or Human Auxiliary, Imperial Guard, Maybe Dark Eldar if we have a player

    Imperial Forces
    Marines, Black Templars, Imperial Guard

    Xenos Forces
    Eldar, Tyranids, and Orks

    Each Member will start off with 20,000 point army list which can be flushed out to 6 battle groups ranging from 500-3000 points. With the remaining forces left in reserve to flush out dying forces and resupply.

    Opponents agree on Spearhead formation and rules before playing the game.

    Once you are not able to deploy a legal force you will be out of the campaign.

    When landing on a planet the first game will use Planet strike rules. Each planet will have 5-10 tiles from planet empires and we can have a system around moving. Need to capture the planet to gain resources from the planet.

    Resources each planet will have:

    Reserved to be flushed out:
    Ammo Depot: Allows one unit a turn to reroll hits
    Shield generator: allows one unit to reroll successful wound rolls against them.

    More to come

    Each player will start on a planet that is in one of the star systems.

    Such as Tau would start on their home world and then move from there. WE can create a movement system if we need to but want to make it kind of like a Dawn of war style where once you’re in the star system you make planet fall and you’re fighting on the planet looking to secure your resources.

    To move to another Star system it will take you two turns to move. One turn to get prepped and ready and one to actually make the voyage across. (This is to reduce people leaving the area and running away)

    Starting places

    Tau: Tau
    Space marines: Firois
    Imperial Guard: Arthas Moloch
    Traitor Guard: Sa cea , and Vior'la
    Chaos Daemons: Dayl't
    Chaos: Kelsha var
    Orks: Astroid belt around farsights enclave
    Tyranids: Hive ship mobile
    Eldar: Craft world mobile fortress
    Dark Eldar: Flying raider force mobile planet

    Special rule for all armies:

    When facing overwhelming odds you have chosen to run away to fight another day.
    During your movement phase you are able to nominate a unit to flee. The unit will make a fall back move till it falls off the board edge. The unit cannot regroup in anyway even if they are fearless.

    When they are off the board, roll a d6 on a 1 they have been cut off from the main battle group and count as destroyed.

    Each planet will have a random tile set using planetary empires. If the attacker wins the plant invasion they need to conquer the planet to claim it as their own. Once on the world they are allowed to move their battle group one hex at a time. Planets will have 6+d3 tiles with associated resources to use to after your battle groups.

    We will be using campaign veteran rules in the back of the book.

    One turn = one week, we will have turns either on Thursday or Saturday.

    Thoughts? Discussion? Cleanup? Looking to have this completed by Nov 6th.
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