This was a little project I did a few years ago while waiting to build up an army. Thought some of you might find it entertaining

The DK has been tasked with quelling a rebellion on an administrative world. The majority of the population is loyal to the emperor but they have been mislead by greedy leadership.The corrupt hierarchy is to be replaced and all opposition destroyed. Villainous forces tried to fortify a ransacked government building and had a kill dozer digging trenches when the Korps showed up. The position wasn't fully reinforced yet and most of the men deserted their post when they caught sight of the approaching doom. The kill dozer which is armed with a flamer mostly used for clearing vegetation was knocked out of action when its exterrnal fuel tank became compromised. As the vehicle burned the crew attempted to escape, I don't know if the commander tried to make a last stand or was handing his weapon over in surrender but the Krieg trooper wasn't interested in such small details; the rest of the crew was neutralized as well. The sergeant is leading the charge down the street in pursuit, some men are getting ready to storm the building, others are taking cover behind the tank waiting to be called forward.