Shes squishy! I could kill people with that. Ancillary on Hyperion seems scary. Crusaders call is pretty scary combined with that feat , MHA solos being more accurate/hitty/faster is not really what I want to see. On the opposite side of the table cygnar and legion probably drooling to get her in a killbox scenario. And if she ever catches fire for more then 1 turn GG.
Goreshade was leaked too. Psorcha is probably jealous of 3Goreshade. I think he has a better ranged assassination then she does now. 18" running Sraider,feat + sling spells, + kraken for kill shot, GG.
Goreshade is:
SPD 8 / Mat 7 / Def 14 / Arm 17
Pow 15 Reach Magic Weapon Auto-Stationary
Spec ability: One or more enemy models casts a spell in his Ctrl, he can cast a spell for free next turn
Feat: Place ANY number of 3" AoEs centered on friendly models in this model's ctrl. All enemy models in AoEs without immunity: cold become stationary. Chosen friendly models are destroyed.
Infernal Machine
Siphon Bolt (Pow 12, costs 2, removes 1 foc/fury)
Mockery of Death (Bring back friendly model, it comes back with 1 life and forfeits action)
Scything Touch
Last edited by Revenant; 01-13-2014 at 09:47 PM.
Warhammer legend 1990 -2015. RIP Warhammer Fantasy. F**k GW
Warmachine legend in training!
Kings of War if I have to...
Come on man...I need my Stryker 3 man, gimme a hit, just a little? maaaaaan
Something something won awards in something something.
I agree she is squishy but the way I am looking at it, is she could have been 16/14 foc 7 instead and I would rather her be 16/13 foc 8. Its not like we don't have 4 point shield guard and blast immunity
Damn! that's terrifying....both of them.
Wargamescon 40k Judge
Hogleg - "only in my head someone bought CRP's OOP Wraithlord then stuck its toe in cover."
The difference between what she does for ret and what 3butcher (doesn't) do for khador is astounding.
Note that Ancillary doesn't say this exempts a weapon from ROF limitations. I don't think this gives you extra shots per turn.
Last edited by Mager; 01-14-2014 at 11:03 AM. Reason: Reading