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  1. #1

    Games this week?

    I'm here through Friday, and curious if anyone wants to play a mid-week game? Looking for any more 1500 point matches to continue to prep for Gencon. Larry has done a great job of getting me ready, but more practice is always good.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Khealos's Avatar
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    Austin, TX
    I'd love to but I don't get off work until 8PM. Good luck and good hunting!
    "Inside every cynical person there is a disappointed idealist."
    George Carlin

  3. #3
    I'm out of commission for this week, and most of next week. Last two weeks of grad school and then I'm done for good

    Scourge starter came in though, along with the rule book. Looking forward to assembling them once I'm finished. Hopefully I'll have them at least base-coated by the end of next week, so I don't have to borrow/proxy stuff.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Khealos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damios View Post
    I'm out of commission for this week, and most of next week. Last two weeks of grad school and then I'm done for good

    Scourge starter came in though, along with the rule book. Looking forward to assembling them once I'm finished. Hopefully I'll have them at least base-coated by the end of next week, so I don't have to borrow/proxy stuff.
    Awesome! Looking forward to it!

    For anyone else that is free - Robby and I are planning on meeting up at Dragon's lair after I get off work tomorrow (8-5-14, after about 8:30 PM) so come on down if you'd like to watch!
    "Inside every cynical person there is a disappointed idealist."
    George Carlin

  5. #5
    And I will actually bring my UCM army tomorrow night. And my new tokens!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Khealos's Avatar
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    I had a blast last night. It was a fun, learning experience. I want to get some Katanas, Raven's, and certainly a Ferrum now. Looking forward to our next dust up!
    "Inside every cynical person there is a disappointed idealist."
    George Carlin

  7. #7
    Thanks again for the game. It was good to play against UCM and get a feeling for that.

    And it looks like I did mess up the army. The reason the Bears weren't on the list is because they weren't included! The army builder drops the transports when you click "share transport" between two squads, and then it needs to be added back in.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Khealos's Avatar
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    No worries. Despite that I had a lot of fun and am looking forward to getting some new figs and testing them out! Thanks for giving me a chance to test drive so many new models
    "Inside every cynical person there is a disappointed idealist."
    George Carlin

  9. #9
    Happy to. It was nice to see some of them in action. The Katana and Eagle get high marks. The Gladius and Sabres were okay. The Ferrum was good, but not overwhelming.

    Also, on my side, it was nice to see my little Yaris score a significant hit on the Raven carrying troops!

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