Here is some updates with the spaces chosen:
Turn 1 Challenges
1 Random Xenos Challenged Noodlers for Orias Spaceport Won by Random/Xenos
2 Ninjawraithlord Xenos Challenged Real Genius for Ranov Power Station Won by Ninja/Xenos
3 Bullymike Chaos challenged Morella at Orias Manufactorum Won by Bullymike/Chaos
4 Kaika Chaos challenged RedArmy for Geminus Shield Generator Won by RedArmy/Imperial choose space space to the right of the hive city
5 ccrazzyman Xenos challenged CRP for Geminus Power Station Won by ccrazyman/Xenos
6 Darkwynn Imperials challenged Bullymike for Ranov spaceport Won by Darkwynn/Imperial
7 Sloth Chaos challenged DandyPandy for the Balin V spaceport needs drop in/alternate I think Glorywarrior will battle for us here
8 TxPlays challenged Noah2015.5 for Orias Hive City
9 Caldera Chaos challenged ccrazyman for hex next to Orias spaceport Won by Caldera/Chaos
10 Morella Xenos challenged Ball4eva for Geminus space adjacent to port/ps/hive city Won by Morella/Xenos
11 Noodlers Chaos challenged eaglesmvp for Orias Power Station Won by Eagles/Xenos
12 CRP Imperials challenged Kaika for Balin shield gen
13 DandyPandy Imperials challenged Txplays for space adj to Balin port/ps Won by DandyPandy/Imperials
14 Noah2015 Xenos challenged Caldera for space adj to Ranov port/hc/sg
15 Red Army Imperials challenged Sloth for Ranov Shield generator Won by Sloth/Chaos choose space space chosen is space to the right of the spaceport
16 Real Genius Imperials challenged randomnumber for Ranov, space (center) adj to fd/man/ps Won by Random/Xenos
17 Ball4eva Imperials challenged ninjawraithlord for Geminus Fuel Depot
18 EaglesMVP Xenos challenges Darkwynn for Geminus space adj to ps/hc Won by Darkwynn/Imperials