Too bad for noodlers - I am challenging Ball4eva for some space on Geminus, need to figure out which, but is an open spot.
Pick again for him Chris. I think this is up to date, all double check for me.
Turn 1 Challenges
1 Random Xenos Challenged Noodlers for Orias Spaceport
2 Ninjawraithlord Xenos Challenged Real Genius for Ranov Power Station
3 Bullymike Chaos challenged Morella at Orias Manufactorum (tonight)
4 Kaika Chaos challenged RedArmy for Geminus Shield Generator
5 ccrazzyman Xenos challenged CRP for Geminus Power Station
6 Darkwyn Imperials challenged Bullymike for Ranov (shield? Via port on Gem)
7 Sloth Chaos challenged DandyPandy for the Balin V spaceport (tonight?)
8 TxPlays challenged Noah2015.5 for Orias Hive City
9 Caldera Chaos challenged ccrazyman for Orias port (illegal? See up)
10 Morella Xenos challenged Ball4eva for Geminus
11 Noodlers Chaos challenged
12 CRP Imperials challenged Kaika for Balin port
13 DandyPandy Imperials 457
14 Noah Xenos 425
15 Red Army Imperials 365
16 Real Genius Imperials 249
17 Ball4eva Imperials 170
18 EaglesMVP Xenos 61
Imperials: CRP (SW or IG)
DandyPandy (Ultramarines)
Real Genius (BloodMech)
RedArmy (Sable Faalken, custom chapter, successor to the Astral Claws)
Darkwyn (Ad Mech and Muhreens) Ball4eva (Ultramarines)