Daemon Prince/Greater Unclean One ("Shadow of Virules" bound daemon)
niiice.....now get some paint on them
Wargamescon 40k Judge
Hogleg - "only in my head someone bought CRP's OOP Wraithlord then stuck its toe in cover."
Looks good, impressive back story.... Enjoy the use of Nurglings. Doing the same with my Chaos army.
However, like everyone else here I must ask. No paint?
" Time is a weapon like any other. If anything else....
I can simply wait for my foes to rot."
~Orikan the Diviner~
Issues with painting in my limited time off from law school are 1) I have to finish sculpting a model before I can paint it; 2) it took me a very long time to get all my chaos marines and daemons converted and built and magnetized, and now I am still using my limited time to finish sculpting (after which I will paint- I need to finish my sculpting/converting work on 2x heldrakes and 2x soul grinders and then I am finally 100% done after a year and a half, ignoring Plague Marines); and 3) I lost like 6 months on my chaos/daemons schedule because I decided to start a big new Space Marine army that required a fair amount of converting and sculpting also (totally my own fault).
But I knew that my goals for my Chaos stuff were pretty grandiose and that it would probably take me all 3 years of law school to build, sculpt, and paint them. It's a long-term project and I hope the results will ultimately be worth it, since I hope my painted models will be really unique.
pretty impressive.