Shes squishy! I could kill people with that. Ancillary on Hyperion seems scary. Crusaders call is pretty scary combined with that feat , MHA solos being more accurate/hitty/faster is not really what I want to see. On the opposite side of the table cygnar and legion probably drooling to get her in a killbox scenario. And if she ever catches fire for more then 1 turn GG.
Goreshade was leaked too. Psorcha is probably jealous of 3Goreshade. I think he has a better ranged assassination then she does now. 18" running Sraider,feat + sling spells, + kraken for kill shot, GG.
Goreshade is:
SPD 8 / Mat 7 / Def 14 / Arm 17
Pow 15 Reach Magic Weapon Auto-Stationary
Spec ability: One or more enemy models casts a spell in his Ctrl, he can cast a spell for free next turn
Feat: Place ANY number of 3" AoEs centered on friendly models in this model's ctrl. All enemy models in AoEs without immunity: cold become stationary. Chosen friendly models are destroyed.
Infernal Machine
Siphon Bolt (Pow 12, costs 2, removes 1 foc/fury)
Mockery of Death (Bring back friendly model, it comes back with 1 life and forfeits action)
Scything Touch