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Thread: Jan 25th - Year end Tournament

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  1. #1
    Crazy goat
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Austin, TX

    Jan 25th - Year end Tournament

    If nothing bad happens to me or I have to do something crazy for the kiddo - I will be running it.


    Highlander event
    You may only duplicate one Troop choice once you have taken all the troop choices available to that Army - ie Take one Tactical Squad, One Scout Squad and then you could take another Tactical Squad. Max amount of duplicated Troop choice you can have is 2 - this counts for army specific Dedicated Transports - ie 2 Wave Serpents, 2 C:SM Drop Pods.

    You may only duplicate one Troop choice as well - this includes anything from other Army CADs - just one choice may be duplicated.
    EX - Marine CAD with Tactical Squad, Scout Squad X 2 then BA CAD with Tactical Squad plus Scout Squad.

    Units with the same name from different books - ie Scouts from Dark Angels, Blood Angels, Space Marines - count as different units.
    EX - I could take a single unit of DA Scouts, BA Scouts, and C:SM Scouts - as each have different rules corresponding to a different book. I could not take Scouts from the C:SM supplements as they are still using the rules from the main C:SM codex - so no Clan Raauken, Imperial Fists, plus Ultramarine scouts

    Example of an army list

    Space Marine CAD
    Chapter master plus stuff
    Tech Marine plus stuff
    Librarian plus stuff
    Tac squad plus stuff
    Scout squad plus stuff
    Bike Squad plus stuff

    Sisters Ally
    Saint who is a jerk
    Sisters with stuff
    Jump Sisters

    Assassin Ally

    Knight Ally

    No LOW over 400 pts. This lets you play with your HQ LOW but not the bad stuffs. Or so I hope.


    RD 1 - The Grass is greener on the other side!
    Deployment - Dawn of War
    Game Length - 6 turns
    Extra Rules - Night Fight Turn 1 and turn 6 automatically
    Mission 1 - Modified Emperor's Will - Your own objective is worth 3 pts - your opponents Objective is worth 7pts
    Mission 2 - Modified Kill Points - Maximum KP earned is 10pts - if you have under 10 KP - opponent automatically earns the KP you have under 10. EX - if you have 7 KP - your opponent starts with 3 KP.
    Mission 3 - First Blood, Kill the Warlord, Line Breaker
    Total points available - 23pts

    RD 2 - Get the shiney thing and then the other things cuz they are important!
    Deployment - Vanguard Strike
    Game Length - Random
    Extra Rules - Roll for Night Fight
    Mission 1 - Crusade with 5 objectives - Each objective is worth 2 pts ea. - Who won roll to go first gets 3 objectives. One objective has to be placed in your own deployment zone and the other in your opponents - 5th objective cannot be placed within any deployment zone. Crusade Objectives must be 12 inches away from each other - but can be within range of the Relic.
    Mission 2 - Modified Relic - Every turn you hold the relic with a unit you gain 1 pt - if you control the relic objective at the end it is worth 10 pts - if you contest the Relic both players earn 5 pts. - Max points you can earn is 10pts.
    Mission 3 - First Blood, Kill the Warlord, Line Breaker
    Total points available - 23pts

    RD 3 - Daddy I said I want it! WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME!!!
    Deployment - Dawn of War
    Game Length - Random
    Extra Rules - Roll for Night Fight
    Mission 1 - Modified Relic - 3 Relics objectives each placed in the middle of no man's land - one in the center - one 12 inches from the center and another 12 inches from the other side. Each Relic objective is worth 3 VP at the end of the game - if you hold more Relic objectives then your opponent you gain an extra point.
    Mission 2 - Modified Kill Points - Maximum KP earned is 10pts - if you have under 10 KP - opponent automatically earns the KP you have under 10. EX - if you have 7 KP - your opponent starts with 3 KP.
    Mission 3 - First Blood, Kill the Warlord, Line Breaker
    Total points available - 23pts

    So yeah - there you go a basic Tournament.

    Last edited by Goatboy; 01-02-2015 at 01:56 PM. Reason: Updating
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