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Thread: WFB Sept/Fantom Fest notes and notices.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    WFB Sept/Fantom Fest notes and notices.

    First I want to say thank you for the large showing of folks today 19!!! Getting closer to the Helicon days of when we had 30+.

    Thank you all for keeping the packets in good shape and no markings on them means alot to me, and while I understand more copies can be made I prefer to save paper trees when possible. You guys made for great test subjects for the packet and the missions. Overall it seems that wordiness and one or two small changes might be needed, but so far so good.

    A few quick comments about the upcoming events and months.
    1 Fantom Fest. If you show up and there are spaces available (which there should be) you can pay for your spot that Friday. I will be down around the room setting it up around 8pm that Friday. So come find me and I can figure out how to get you a ticket. Mind you while I dont mind doing this I really really and I mean really would prefer you do it via the web site. Paying online makes it alot easier. Also please consider buying your food at the Menger, we have a minimum comp guarantee that we must sell. So buy your lunch there and help me cut down my bill.
    Food available at Menger is :
    Danish muffins, fruit turnovers, cookies and brownies, sausage kolaches, breakfast tacos, sandwichs and chips. All these items are less than 5.00 each!!!
    coffee, bottle water, ice tea, soft drinks, redbull. All these items are less than 3.00 each!!!!

    2The undeath madness still some confusion seems to be floating around about what is to happen in October. So let me take some time to try and make it clear.
    If you want to use the 50% lord/hero thing you do NOT NEED THE BOOK. If you want to use the spells and the army rules, then you need the following:
    The undeath book, 2 copies of your roster. Other wise its normal tournament rules as usual. Last notes about the October undeath madness, named characters are allowed and yes I want you to try as hard as you can to break the new army book.

    In fact my challenge is to break it , so we might stress test the new army book.

    Post edited due to feed back.
    Last edited by Geist; 09-22-2014 at 01:33 PM.
    "The Machine will grind you down."
    Inventor of the "Chris Noble".

    Bayou 2011 "Hero to Zero"
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