Looking forward to trying out Witch Hunters. I think they will be an interesting group; a nice mix of shooting and powerful (for humans) close combat.
I've got a lot of ideas on how to run the campaign, but if anyone has any thoughts post them here. Chris and I are going to try and keep it as simple as possible (hard with a game almost as old as Dark Eldar...). We will just use warbands out of the book plus Dwarfs and Orcs and just use Hired Swords out of the book plus Imperial Assassin and Telian Marksman.
Reason for this is that GW made something like 20 official warbands and not all of them were balanced, and it would take a huge FAQ to make it fair. By limiting it the campaign will be simpler and hopefully run smoother.
I am hoping for 6 committed people to participate and meet once a week at DL?