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Thread: What Faction(s) does everyone play?

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  1. #1
    Member silentdante's Avatar
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    What Faction(s) does everyone play?

    hello, I was just wondering what the faction breakdown is in the Austin area? is there a place this is already posted? I searched but came up with nothing.

    I am trying to figure out what faction I would like to start playing other then Cephalyx and would not want to be the fourth khador player or something like that. I know most people just say pick what you like the looks of and things of that nature, but I have been going over all the armies for warmachine and hordes in War Room and like bits of everything, so I would rather pick something that is not well represented in the Austin meta-game.

    if there is already a breakdown somewhere, point me towards it, otherwise if people want to list out the main and sub factions that see a ton of play and which don't I would greatly appreciate it! thanks.


  2. #2
    Senior Member Cowboy247's Avatar
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    No breakdown that I know of, Probably the least played is Cygnar. We have a pretty good assortment of everything else.

  3. #3
    Senior Member m3g4tr0n's Avatar
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    I don't see many minions or a wide variety of mercenary players beyond Rhul. Oh, and CoC too. We have a severe lack of CoC in our local group.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Revenant's Avatar
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    Austin as a whole we are pretty good spread.

    Speaking for Dragons Lair: We need a Circle player and a Protectorate. We are heavy Ret and trolls. Ben is leaving in a few so another Skorne wouldn't be to bad. Mercs wouldn't be bad either.
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  5. #5
    Member silentdante's Avatar
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    I might just go with Menoth with mercs as a side since I already own some Cephalyx models. I do like the gun line of cygnar but I am not as impressed with the melee units, of course saying that, other then 'jacks there is not a whole lot of shooting in Protectorate.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Psi's Avatar
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    If interested... I have a small Menoth force I would be interested in pawning off..... 95% unpainted. Just to much going on in my life to get it finished and come play.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member muffinman's Avatar
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    there aren't really many unplayed factions in the DL group. even mercs and minions show up sometimes. there are some that don't see quite as much play, mostly ones that one or two guys have as a secondary faction. Recently it has seemed like Circle, Menoth and Kahdor have been lacking. I'm always trying to get more people to play Skorne, I'm usually the only one with them at the store. though last week there was some more skorne on the table and I have seen a few people trying them out.

    on the other side, Ret seems to be everywhere. if you like the faction don't let that stop you from playing them, though. but based solely on how many ret players/armies we get on a given week, they are probably the most played faction (strangely enough)
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  8. #8
    Senior Member m3g4tr0n's Avatar
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    We need more pirates.
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  9. #9
    Member silentdante's Avatar
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    Or perhaps Bart with 2 galleons?

    I already own some kahdor from way back, so I might go Menoth and Kahdor, I looked at circle and I don't like them much, though they do have some nice units (ugh that sounds dirty).

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Wanna buy some Cygnar?
    Something something won awards in something something.

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