It has nothing to do with not letting people "have their fun". It is about rules being written for an official league that gets reported to Privateer, and those rule written a certain way for a certain reason. I do not like "banning" ****, and I don't like situational enforcement of rules. Plain and simple.
You say you don't want to run "broken" stuff. I have almost the same exact Skarre (both versions) pirate army as you do. Do you understand how nasty pSkarre's feat and abilities are at UNDER 15 points against people who will be playing battleboxes? Hint: her abilities and feats are GROSS under 15 points. With her feat, you can buff a jack's str and arm to +5...unheard of in battle box games.
The point is, the battle boxes are balanced against each other, even after the edition change. setting an arbitrary number under 15 points to start the league off with is incredible unbalanced and unfair.
Final point is taken off the front page of the Privateer Press website in the Dev's section:
The Journeyman League for WARMACHINE and HORDES is Privateer Press’ first official slow-grow league! This league is designed to encourage new players to begin learning the game with their chosen faction’s battle box and then expand their collection over the course of six weeks. The Journeyman League rewards both the player’s in-game victories and their skill with a brush. In fact, eager hobbyists can enter the league and score points just for assembling and painting their models!
Designed for the battle box. Plain and simple.
Also to remind you, these games get reported to PP. Why should one group of gamers get to bend and break rules while still getting to report their games and receiving the benefits (prize patches) while another group at another store or another city doesn't get to bend or break the rules to get the same bennies?