Quote Originally Posted by AdamHarry View Post
Yep. Just another character that the majority of people have no idea/don't care/could do without. I mean, they can't spend ten minutes every episode introducing an entirely new person and explaining their back-story and importance and have them do their "thing" only to sit out for the rest of the season. Theon is a great example of this. He was a pretty well established character that they had to do something with last season, so they introduced the "reek" plot line early (well, not really...but you know what I mean). You can't just "main" characters sit out for a season and then pop up next season with out much explanation. We have a show like that already, it's call The Walking Dead, Right T-Dawg?

Martin's story in book form is crazy long. Word count wise, it's 1.314 million words. To put that into perspective It's longer than The Dark Tower Series, almost triple the word count of LoTR and it's STILL BEING WRITTEN. Holy crap. So for TV, yes it needed a good editor for the overall story to work. As long as they continue to hit the high points and get the overall feel/theme/story correct - meh, so be it.
I understand everything you're saying but I also know the writers are concerned that they will outrun George Martin as this is season 4 and there are 5 books in print, so I think they could afford to slow things down a bit.

Also, Strong Belwas. Of all characters they have to cut out the one who takes a huge dump on a dude after he kills him, as well as eats 10 portions of honeyed locusts. Heresy I say!!!