Cody is right on all counts. And yes, I will definitely be allowing the Avatar to try to make up for Menoth's reliance on the choir.
Since the mangled metal is not a Steamroller you only get one list.
Here's the event description I thought had been posted by now:
15 point Mangled Metal/Tooth and Claw Tournament
Special Rules: 30 minute Base Match Length. 3 Minute Turns. Single scenario: Kill Box.
On Friday come ready to play as much Warmachine as you can in a single day. The event will last 10 games and your ranking will not determine your pairings as the day progresses. Each new round players will simply be paired with an opponent they have not yet faced. After 10 games the player with the most victories wins the event. In the case of a tie, the player with the most warcaster/warlock kills will be determined the winner. If a clear winner is still undetermined, tied players will play a final game amongst each other.
As per the usual rules of Mangled Metal/Tooth and Claw, no units or solos may be purchased with army points. Only units or solos that are included in the rules for a Warcaster or Warlock may enter play. Examples: an army that includes Borka Kegslayer may include the pyg Keg Bearer and an army that includes Goreshade the ******* may bring a 6 model unit of Bane Thralls into play through use of his feat.