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Thread: I'm thankful for our local shops

  1. #1
    sysadmin DandyPandy's Avatar
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    I'm thankful for our local shops

    I was in San Jose last week and dropped by Games Kastle after hearing Carl rave about it on The Independent Characters. I lucked out and went on 40k night and met some great guys. I can't stress how nice they all were. I didn't take my army since it was a work trip, but I got contact info from several of them to setup games if I ever head out there again. As for the store, it was a dump compared to the local shops, especially DL. I think it was originally a body shop or mechanics shop with the gaming areas in unfinished garage areas. Seriously, they had the roll up garage doors. They only had five or six tables. There was a good selection of quality terrain, so they had that going for them. I imagined some sort of gaming paradise that would put the local stores to shame, but was sorely disappointed. My guess is Carl just loves the place for the people.

    In summary, thanks local shops for giving us great places to play!

  2. #2
    Senior Member CRP's Avatar
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    Austin is the 40K mecca. It will spoil you.
    "Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"

  3. #3
    Senior Member Sloth's Avatar
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    I used to play at Game Kastle when I lived in San Jose. It is a great group of folks around there. I remember there being a lot more than 5 or 6 tables. Something must have seriously changed there in the past 2 years.

    Yours Truly,
    Skymarshall Baron Von Castle Void Shield

  4. #4
    sysadmin DandyPandy's Avatar
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    There were several folding tables that were fit for CCG players in the same room as the standard 6x4 tables. They could have put several more in there for sure, and they may have had sheets of plywood to sit on top of the folding tables that I didn't notice.

  5. #5
    sysadmin DandyPandy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CRP View Post
    Austin is the 40K mecca. It will spoil you.
    When I told them about how we pretty much have a local tournament within a reasonable distance every weekend, they were impressed. I thought the SFO area was hugely into 40k.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Sloth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DandyPandy View Post
    There were several folding tables that were fit for CCG players in the same room as the standard 6x4 tables. They could have put several more in there for sure, and they may have had sheets of plywood to sit on top of the folding tables that I didn't notice.
    Yeah their normal setup was to use two folding tables side by side with a sheet of masonite for the play area.

    Yours Truly,
    Skymarshall Baron Von Castle Void Shield

  7. #7
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    I recall those days here locally when we had to put out folding tables every Tuesday. That's why for the longest time gaming didn't start till 7pm. As that's what time the store would let the war gamers put the tables out. I do not miss those days at all.
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  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by CRP View Post
    Austin is the 40K mecca. It will spoil you.
    Hate to say it, but Portland puts Austin to shame.
    Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Geist View Post
    I recall those days here locally when we had to put out folding tables every Tuesday. That's why for the longest time gaming didn't start till 7pm. As that's what time the store would let the war gamers put the tables out. I do not miss those days at all.
    And sometimes they would run out of tables and you'd end up with a game on the floor...
    Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

  10. #10
    Senior Member CRP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Dude View Post
    Hate to say it, but Portland puts Austin to shame.
    Really,? What are the stores like?
    "Don't take my win from me! I don't have many to claim!"

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