I voted to go with the build-a-box variety. Looks like I will probably be out-voted though. I'll play either way, but I don't see a huge issue with custom battleboxes, especially if Cody is given veto rights. I would add a restriction to say no character jack/beasts as part of the battlebox, which should help remove a lot of the potentially stupid combos. Heck, even if you want to say "you must use a caster/lock that is included in one of the official battleboxes" that would be fine with me. but really, how much worse can you get than pDenny?
I'm just not a fan of the Ret options... Kaelyssa looks like a decent caster that i have little experience, so I would like to play her a bit anyways, but man her battlebox sucks. 3 of the least-used ret 'jacks doesn't seem fun. the alternate with Ossyan is slightly better, but would require buying a second vyre kit, which I likely wont' do or proxying a sphinx the whole time.