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Thread: Scourge conversion ideas

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  1. #10
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    They'd be all plastic except for the swooping hawk head too (which unless I'm mistaken needs to be sawed off the body). You could save $30 per squad by just not using that head, and having a warrior head or something instead.

    EDIT: If you wanted to go with more of a bat-wing scourge, a box of gargoyles would supply you with 10 sets of wings instead of 5. Then again, if people are going to buy a bunch of sanguinary guard and not use the marines, I'm sure there's no shortage of marine/BA players that could make use of the rest of the model.

    EDIT (again): Actually, I haven't seen the picture of scourges in the codex at all, but Starcraft 1 makes me almost incapable of seeing scourges with anything other than bat wings. They also should explode if they assault a tank...
    Last edited by Splug; 12-06-2010 at 11:30 AM.

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