After the Battle: Morikhi (Warriors of Chaos)

Field of dead. Morikhi stands in a field of corpses, his army killed to a man in a battle against a Daemon Prince who could see possible futures. Of course, that foresight didn’t help the Daemon… but that’s another issue.

“Where is the Daemon? I must take his head and mount it in my tent, for I am the greatest living knight in all creation.”

Totally ignoring his horrid defeat at the hands of the Chaos warriors and the Khorne infighting the allowed him to escape, Morikhi props his foot upon the corpse of a Dragon Prince and surveys the land.

“Truly, I am glory.”

Wings flap behind him as Glorosio, the Grail Knight, sets his steed behind Morihki. “Nay my brother” states Glorosio, “It is I who is truly glorious and your foot is mounted upon my kills.”

Morihki laughs and buries his foot deeper in the skull cavity of the Dragon Ogre. “Nay, my brother, the Daemon was destroyed by the flower of Bretonnia, by my hand. I am beyond glorious.”

Glorosio looks around and notices that out of the army, only he and Morikhi are still alive, and just over the ridge that he just flew over, a large host of still-alive Chaos Warriors are using the skulls of their former comrades as gravy boats. “It appears that our glory has not been bestowed on our comrades, my brother.”

“It is the Duke’s fault, for his knights were not glorious enough to be under my command. They spoke of tactics and other foolish concepts. Only glory matters! I exposed my flank to the Chosen Chaos Warriors of Khorne to show how weak they were in battle!

Glorosio bows his head slightly, “I couldn’t agree more, only the weak-willed men of the Empire babble such nonsense!"

“We are glorious beyond belief!”

“Glorious beyond compare!”

“Now that the chaff has been drained away I will raise an army that is the very definition of glory! I will not allow this talk of “flanking” to cloud our minds! We shall smite all our foes head on!" Morikhi bellows as he walks around the corpses of his knights. Chaos warhounds are munching on human body parts nearby… but that is ignored for the sake of ranting.

“For the Lady!”

“For the Lady Indeed!”

Some people never learn.

After the Battle: Liliane

“You want your gold back, you rock-humping overgrown goblin? Come get it!” WHAM!! Liliane throws a massive Amber spear into the Organ gun, SHATTERING the ancient Dwarven war machine into little metal slivers. The crewmen, stalwart as ever, stumble around the broken machine singed and confused.

Crack! A Dwarven pistol blasts a hole through Liliane’s dress. Now you got them mad. Liliane looks around, her army is worse for wear, save for the Grail Reliquary behind her.

“Return to base! Now!” Liliane commands to her army. She turns towards the oncoming Dwarves “Let’s hope this scares them away, this time…”

Suddenly Liliane turns into a massive Mountain Chimera! Blocking the Dwarven advance towards the rest of her army. Does it work?

“Kill the beast! Bring it down!” Bellow manly Dwarven voices as every Dwarf capable of fighting rushes the beast. Gun, crossbows, axes, even rocks are being thrown at the monster. Naked, red haired/bearded dwarves are now streaming like slow lava towards Liliane.

“What the Hell is wrong with these people!” Liliane yells, which comes out as a ear-splitting roar towards the Dwarven lines. “Why are they naked! Put some damn pants on!”

Liliane’s army, aware of the tactic flees the field, leaving her alone to deal to ward of their escape.

“For Clan Grudgebearer!” “For clan Ironbrew!” “For Clan Bronzebeard!” An endless stream of oaths are uttered as bolts, cannon balls and maybe even a kitchen sink fly towards Liliane.

“I hate these people. I HATE, HATE, HATE DWARVES! Everybody else would just run away! But no. Oh no. You have to scream your clan name and attack! What’s wrong with you!!”… This comes across as more roaring and the occasional gout of flame.

The Slayers make it to the battle. “I am Daemon slayer Mordin and I shall redeem my name by dying by your hand!” Screams the red-haired, totally naked Dwarf as he leaps into the air with axe in hand.

WHAM! Liliane SLAPS him away, turning the Slayer into a fine red mist… and giving him exactly what he wanted. Liliane turns back, her people are away, safe for now.

“It’s been fun, it’s been real… but it hasn’t been real fun.” WHAM! Liliane flattens a small host of eager slayers. “I’m out.”

Liliane flaps her wings and leaves the battlefield, leaving behind dead slayers and a decent horde of angry Dwarves...