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Thread: Wargames Con Warmachine Events Feedback thread

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  1. #1

    Wargames Con Warmachine Events Feedback thread

    I just got home from Wargames Con. I think everything went great this year and everyone seemed to have lots of fun. That said, we can make next year better! If you have any feedback, suggestions, or criticisms, please let us know. You can post them here, email us at [email protected] or send us a tweet @roadtowar.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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  3. #3
    Senior Member muffinman's Avatar
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    There was one thing I would like to have seen handled differently. I was the one that happened to be affected by it this year, but I can imagine anyone in the same situation would be just as annoyed.

    Because the team tournament was held after a qualifying tournament the day before, there were a bunch of players in the top teams that had already made it into masters. the trickle-down that came out of that meant that our team got 2 members qualified and one that got left out. it sucks being the one member of the team that doesn't make the cut, and it also sucks for the other two on the team who go on to masters without one of their members.

    Easy solution to this would be to just hold the team event as the first tournament. then trickle-down in later events makes a lot more sense since the other events are all individual events.
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  4. #4
    That is my bad on the Team Tournament. Similar tournaments (Templecon for example had the top team, and Captain of 2nd place team qualifying) at other conventions have always done it that way, and that seemed like the best way to do it for me. However it wasn't announced that would be the way it was done beforehand. That could have affected the ranking of teams based who was most interested in making it into Masters. Thanks for the feedback!

  5. #5
    Senior Member Korwen's Avatar
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    Another note - While I enjoyed the idea of the team tournament, I wasn't a fan of it, the hardcore, and the masters being the only 50pt "vanilla" SR rules tournaments. I would much rather of had a standard 3-4 round 50pt quali and a for-funsies team tournament instead of how it was this year. I still enjoyed myself, just a preference personally.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Korwen View Post
    Another note - While I enjoyed the idea of the team tournament, I wasn't a fan of it, the hardcore, and the masters being the only 50pt "vanilla" SR rules tournaments. I would much rather of had a standard 3-4 round 50pt quali and a for-funsies team tournament instead of how it was this year. I still enjoyed myself, just a preference personally.
    This has been a pretty common piece of feedback - I would expect that if there is a team tournament next year, it will not be a qualifier.

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