Originally Posted by
Its rough with out true support for the community, which definitely does not come from DL. I'm certainly no fan of current competitive 40k, but I can certainly observe the changes.
Nick isn't really on the road, but I don't think he really has the interest in playing Thursdays like he did at BFG. Thomas works on Sundays for the time being and also has less interest in being packed like sardines into DL on Thursdays, right in front of the 100 degree windows. I still see wolf playing every Thursday and he's really the only one I disagree with you on. I still think Wolf is in it to win it.
Even my own 40k spirit has mostly been killed off by the loss of BFG, my own work schedule preventing me from being at DL early enough to actually get a table, combined with the current ****ty play environment. I wont deny feeling the itch to play some 40k again once in a while, but as soon as I see the BS grey knights, Dark Eldar, and Space Wolves everyone is playing, it goes out the window.
All that being said, I think the competitive nature of Austin is still around, just somewhat dormant. I don't know if playing at someone's house would really renew it without the support of the community. The only way I really see it coming back is to get another store that is really willing to support that side of things and has the chops to tell their landlord to ef themselves when they try to circumvent what is detailed in the lease simply because other tenants are bitching.
My own true 40k spirit may be gone for the time being, but there's always the future.