After a short break for WGC here's a new mission for the week
104 Capture the Flag
Mission Objectives
Players must penetrate their enemy’s deployment zone and capture the objective.
Players agree on a point total to play. No more than 300 points.
Roll for turns as normal. Deployment zones are different for this scenario. Divide the table in half along a diagonal. Deploy 12” from the diagonal.
Exactly the same as the Vanguard deployment in 40k on a 4x4 table.
Scenario Set-Up:
Deploy terrain as normal. Place a 25mm counter in your deployment zone, at least 6” from the table edge.
Scenario Special Rules:
• The counter in your enemy’s deployment zone is the objective.
• Taking the flag requires a Long Skill Interact with Environment (PHI roll) action with causes TO: Camo models to be revealed.
o The model can now be ARO’d against as normal.
o The rolls for the ARO will be Normal rolls if the capturer is only interacting with the flag.
o If they survive the ARO they have captured the flag.
Ending the Game
The player who captures his opponent’s flag is the winner.