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Thread: Razorwing or Voidraven?

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Razorwing or Voidraven?

    Lookin at you DE players for some thoughts/feedback. *CoughChrisCough* Which do you think is the better option and what equipment do you give it? Would making a Voidraven out of the Razorwing kit be difficult from a modeling angle? the rest of my list is 5 Raiders with a variety of Wyches and bloodbrides and a couple of Ravagers.

  2. #2
    Senior Member muffinman's Avatar
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    I haven't played with the voidraven at all, but in my opinion, the razorwing is the better bet. once you buy the missiles for the voidraven, it ends up being much more expensive than the razorwing, and just isn't worth the +1 strength on the lances. I guess the mine might be nice, but it seems situational. so far my razorwing has been doing great. it's very good at killing infantry when you can unload a splinter cannon and 4 missiles into one target.
    my blog - Skorne and Retribution

    "I am... unfamiliar with this 'Molik Karn missile'. Is it something I should be concerned with?" - PP Forum battle report

    "Luck is statistics taken personally" - Penn Jillette

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    What missiles loadout do you take?

  4. #4
    Senior Member muffinman's Avatar
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    so far I've stuck with just the mono-scythe missiles it comes with. you're wounding most things on 2+ anyways, so upgrading to poison or re-rolls didn't look like it was worth the points. its a fragile bird, so I keep it cheap. flickerfields, night shields, and a splinter cannon upgrade, nothing else.
    my blog - Skorne and Retribution

    "I am... unfamiliar with this 'Molik Karn missile'. Is it something I should be concerned with?" - PP Forum battle report

    "Luck is statistics taken personally" - Penn Jillette

  5. #5
    Senior Member Caldera02's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by muffinman View Post
    so far I've stuck with just the mono-scythe missiles it comes with. you're wounding most things on 2+ anyways, so upgrading to poison or re-rolls didn't look like it was worth the points. its a fragile bird, so I keep it cheap. flickerfields, night shields, and a splinter cannon upgrade, nothing else.
    pretty much this. No reason at all to really take any of the other missles. unless you just want to have fun with it, then go crazy and get implosion missles!!! But those are not competitive. The missles come for free in the fighter vs having to pay for them on the bomber, also the bomber does not have all the missle options.

    Converting a fighter model to a bomber? They are most likely coming out with a model and it will be sick so no reason unless you can't stand not playing with it right now.

    I run one fighter with Night shields, filckerfield and upgraded cannon. Best outfit I think for it. Only personal choice really is Dark lances or disentigrators. I like the flexibility of the lances. While the cannon does nothing against armor, the lances do nicely. And against infantry I like having the lances for causing instant death to say......nobs! lol. There is valid reason to have the dissies for 6, str6 Ap2 shots against the plethora of grey knights though!!!!
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