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Thread: Alamo!

  1. #1
    Member Nathan Brakel's Avatar
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    Aug 2014


    Goodluck to all of you who are going!
    Have a blast. I'll finally be coming back down to DL this week as things are starting to settle a little at work.
    Hopefully I can hear some fun reports of your games and live a little vicariously.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Geist's Avatar
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    Oct 2010
    You might not want to live through many of us. Over all the Austin clan had the worst out to date as a group. Only your clone did well that I know of.
    "The Machine will grind you down."
    Inventor of the "Chris Noble".

    Bayou 2011 "Hero to Zero"
    Lone Wolf 2011 9 3rd overall. "GateKeeper"
    2013 North Texas Battles 3rd overall and tied for 3rd best sport.

    "He's a judicious calculating master tactitician who will exploit the slightest weakness in anyone's plan and known for building intricate masterful lists that are incredibly hard to destroy and making people pay dearly for tactical mistakes. "

  3. #3
    Senior Member RedArmy's Avatar
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    Eh, my final battle score won't look impressive like it did at Bayou but I had a great time, and was happy with my results in 4 out of 5 games.

    Game 1 - Playing a vastly more experienced player (Radigan), and multiple-time GT champion, who was rocking a hard as nails list (0 sweedish comp WoC list). I did lose, but on turn 6 I broke his general who ran 11 inches, and both of my swift stride pursuers only rolled 10. If I caught him it would have been a draw with me having more battle points. Radigan went on to win the overall title by the way.

    Game 2 - Very tough HE BotWD deathstar/double-frost chicken list, and I beat him soundly but couldn't pick up enough points outside of his nearly destroyed and fleeing, but not-dead-yet deathstar. A draw in the end, but I was less than 10 points from a win.

    Game 3 - Austin-ite showdown, and my first time to beat Brandon, which was an accomplishment for me.

    Game 4 - Playing a pretty strong but ballanced WE list, in a scenario where the winner is determined by objective points and not by traditional battle points. End of turn 5 and I am like 600 points up, stomping his army, and I'm 3 points up on objectives. It has taken over 2 1/2 hours to play 5 rounds, and with 8 minutes left he wants to play turn 6. I argued with him for awhile, but in the end I decided to not be a dick and gave up and played. He took one of his few remaining units and conga lined into the building to grab 5 objective points and "win". He was a real douchebag at the end. In hind sight I wish I would have grabbed a TO and said no I'm not starting turn 6 with 8 minutes left. Especially because ...

    Game 5 - Other than not holding my ground on that last argument, this match is my only regret/bad moment all tournament. I got butt-raped by a rought nurgle daemon army. Part of the loss was my fault, as I'm not familiar at all with Daemons, only having played Zach a couple of times. I made some rookie mistakes that better knowledge of daemon armies would have saved me from. Of course had I held my ground in game 4 I could have had a more favorable matchup in this one ... oh well, live and learn.

    Overall I learned alot in each of my games, met lots of good guys, and had a fricking blast, it was a great weekend (well also because as my birthday weekend my girlfriend and I were there a couple of extra days partying and enjoying a couple of vacation days, but that's beside the point ...).

  4. #4
    Member Nathan Brakel's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    Well Todd sounds like you still had fun.
    Happy birthday btw.
    Yeah I hate that feeling where your just not sure of what the other does and all it's finer points.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Gilean1's Avatar
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    Game 1 - Beat the Dwarf player that the podcast voted I would lose to.

    Game 2 - Dogs of War, good guy to play against, but on turn two I made two dumb charges which I couldn't come back from and lost the game. I got the scenario points

    Game 3 - High Elves - BoWD on 26 Whitelions with BSB and Lvl 2 High magic mage, Lvl 4 Life Mage on Dragon, Frost and Flame Phoenix, this was the giant scenario, I managed to Gateway his Giant, but couldn't beat the BoWD and Frosty combo, I did use the Demon magic phase to kill the Lvl 2 with an 11 and two failed LD tests. So loss with some scenario points because my Giant was still alive

    Game 4 - Dark elves - 4 reapers, 2 units of 14 Xbows, Lvl 4 of Shadow, General on Steed, bsb on peg, 9 fast cav, 5 brolocks, 2 units of harpies, big unit of Executioners, and a unit of shades with GW. Occupy the Tavern and capture the Giants - He used his Fcav and General to get one Giant almost immediately, I was too aggressive with my fcav and got all but the herald killed to his first round of shooting. I had a rear charge against his bros, which I declared, but then stupidly also declared charge on the bros with my chicken so they ran, but had just enough room to stay on the board right next to his BSB. My beasts did nothing, and I lost the chicken to a bolt thrower shot after taking 2 wnds from xbow shots. I lost no scenario points.

    Game 5 - High Elves - BoWD with 20 Lions, he put his BSB, lvl 4 Life mage, and lvl 2 High mage in it too. 3 units of fcav, 2 units of Dragon princes, 2 sisters, 1 unit of archers, 3 repeater bolt throwers, and a large unit of Phoenix guard. He set the pguard in the corner farthest from my lines and had to march to get to me and didn't really play a part in the game. This is pretty much stomp your opponent in the mud till he cries game. And I did that to him. Turn 1 I get 11 on winds, it randomly gets his Lvl 4 who proceeds to fail 2 LD 10 tests and I get a herald, capping his General and handicapping his magic going forward. We have a giant building on our table that is the mysterious terrain, and I hide the chicken behind it for most of the game. The furies and fast cav run over his archers, all 3 bolt throwers and one unit of sisters. The cannon kills off 1 unit of fast cav with a charge, 2nd unit of fcav with grape shot, and the 2nd unit of sisters run after I grape shot them too. Letters and Beasts take down the two units of knights, and the beasts tie up the lions and banner for the next 3 turns. He manages to finally get to the letters on turn 6 with the lions. I win 20-4

    Ended 2-3.

  6. #6
    Member Nathan Brakel's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    Good job on game 5 avoiding the big banner. Sucks to face 2 BoWD armies. How many Beasts were you running?

  7. #7
    Senior Member Gilean1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Just one block of 6

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