So I am going to try out this 2000 pt Tyranid list tomorrow, I used the double FOC and I have eight Psykers.
Tervigon w/ 2 Psychic Powers, Toxin Sacs 200
Tervigon w/ 2 Psychic Powers, Toxin Sacs 200
Tervigon w/ 2 Psychic Powers, Toxin Sacs 200
2*Hive Guard 100
2*Hive Guard 100
2*Zoanthropes 120
Doom of Malantai in Pod 130
5*Ygmarls 184
5*Ygmarls 184
5*Genestealers w/ Broodlord 116
5*Genestealers w/ Broodlord 116
3*Warriors 90
3*Warriors 90
Heavy Support
Mawloc 170
So the Tervigons have to do all the heavy lifting scoring wise; I'll reserve the Warriors for late game objectives. The troop Stealers will Infiltrate close to start Psychic Shrieking guys. Hope the Doom gets Iron Arm. And hopefully the Mawoc will deal with Flyers...