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Thread: Heresy Era Space Wolves

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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Heresy Era Space Wolves

    Wyrd bi∂ ful aręd

    When I first started Space Marines I heard about Space Wolves and thought that was cool, but it was just a little too comic in comparison to some of the other viking era non-ficiton and fiction I've read. However, more than a year later, I really like the re-visioned Pre-Heresy Space Wolves with thier "stormcloud" or "mid night" gray armor and 'murdermake' feel from the HH books.

    So, I was influenced by the Space Wolves blog ( and I decided to make my own Heresy Era Space Wolves. Fate is indeed inexorable it would seem.

    I've decided to make an all foot army that will move forward hiding behind a shield wall of 15x Blood Claws with an attached Rune Priest (using Stormcloud) and a Wolf priest with Saga of the Hunter for Stealth. All told, this should give them a 4+ cover save in the open and about 34 inches of frontage for my other Wolves to also get 4+ covers behind. I decided to give them all wooden shields to go along with some of the descriptions from the HH books. Should make a proper skjaldborg for my Space Vikings.

    Here's some pic's for the skjaldborg squad:

    First I had to make some plates to be molded. Just wooden chits that I carved on:

    Then I made my Greenstuff/ Miliput molds - I like pure greenstuff for molds now:

    Wasn't too happy with Greenstuff shields - too flimsy

    Miliput and GS/MP mixed shields

    Battle damage added with a knife individually to the shields so the look different...
    Last edited by Eusebius Rex; 02-09-2011 at 12:26 AM.

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