Got waaay too much stuff taking up waaay too much room.
Most of this stuff is around 50% or more off retail:
Dire Troll Blitzer (original) NiB $25
Fell Caller NiB (old card) $6
Legion of Everblight
Warmongers (5) NiB $30
Circle of Orboros
Kromac the Ravenous (large form assembled, small form not; no card) $14
Lord of the Feast (unassembled, no card) $6
Long Gunners (6) NiB $12
Protectorate of Menoth
Vice Scrutator Vindictus NiB $5
Flameguard Troopers (2) NiB $5
Light wreck marker NiB $2
Heavy wreck marker NiB $4
Deathjack NiB $27 (and I'll throw in a $10 wreck marker for free -- woohoo)
(Against my better judgment, I might also trade for metal Malifaux)