As was asked under the AoS thread this will be very likely the last WFB tourney run at DL.
It will happen on the third Sunday as usual. It will still have the house rules, and be 2500pts. I imagine many players will use this as a prep for Bayou, so if you come to play expect some rough lists but also expect everyone to be in top form manners wise.
As for the future of the tournmants here in Austin and WFB. I have gone over the AoS rules as downloaded and printed out. I find they are not useable in a tourment fashion at all. With out going into detial they have one major flaw. No point costs no system of how to create a list other than take what you want. While I am very aware of the soultions that key folks have put forth the main problem is theses are from we the community and not from the folks at GW. Any solution provdied in this manner is a stop gap at best. What does this mean for the game in the tourment setting?
It means that I will be doing the following.
1 Using the 8th ed system for this month.
2 Reading and going over the full AoS rules in case something is provided for August.
3 If point 2 should fail then I shall be attempting to find a new rules system to run the "Fantasy" tournments under. Currently that is looking like Kings of War Second Edition slated for release here in August.
Look for the tournments to be under the header Fantasy for the future. As in either case WFB no longer exist and whatever we use it will be best to call it Fantasy for now.
Thank you all for many years of play.