Need to clear my hobby room of 40k related stuff and I need some cash
Hello All,
I need to get rid of a bunch of stuffI've had pilling up in my hobby room. If you see something you like but don't like the price send me an offer and I'll definitely consider it as this stuff has got to go.
Trade wise I'm looking for a set of furioso blood talon arms for a dread I have and a black templars shoulder pad with the cross and skull on it. If anyone got some of the forgeworld iron hands stuff they no longer want I might be interested in that too.
Item 1 NOS Space Wolves - $100:
- 1x Krom Dragongaze from the Sanctus Reach box
- 1x Finecast/Resin Rune Priest which looks to be a pretty good cast from GW for once
- 1x SW Terminators with an extra SW assault cannon included
- 3x Grey Hunters for a total of 30 of them and some extra bits from other sprues too
Item 2 Black Mini Case w/ 5 trays - $40: sale pending
You can see in the 5 trays in the picture which consistent of an empty tray, 3 dreadnought tray, 6 Terminator tray, 12 power armor tray and 20 power armor tray. Sells new for $90 with less trays.