If at any point it gets moved from the Hall I'm out. Which would really disappoint me.
If at any point it gets moved from the Hall I'm out. Which would really disappoint me.
Wrecking Crew Member
I would punch his baby in the face! thats how i roll! ask around, it happens! ~spines
Yeah I'm kinda confused by this myself... Am I reading it wrong?
Wrecking Crew Member
I would punch his baby in the face! thats how i roll! ask around, it happens! ~spines
so confusing... the only thing worse than itc is saying itc except for "rules changes." how are we supposed to know what counts? e.g. would the bit about letting summoned bloodthirsters arrive as 'landed' count as a rules change? cuz it sure aint RAW
"The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age."
As I said before this is the worst possible way to play 40k.
Noones going to know what rules we are using. aka is a void shield immune to things that only affect "vehicles" and "buildings"? I am expecting alot of rules lawyering and judges making bad calls on rules. REALLY not looking forward to this part.
Things like Titans being allowed isn't going to fun either. Nor are Wolf stars with Black knights/invisibility.
This tournament is combining everything bad about 40k. List Restrictions, Made up FAQs, Ambiguous rules, Titans, RAW Invisiblity, 2++ rerollables, RAW D weapons. I actually think it manages to offend every type of player in some way.
I am definitely going because I love 40k, but I fully expect to be butthurt in at least 1-2 games.
I Noodlers, solemnly swear not to buy any new or used models until I have completed the following
Painted my Chaos Space Marines, Dark Angels, and Imperial Guard to a tournament standard
Any hope we can get them to change it?
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Cheap beer smooths it over
Wrecking Crew Member
I would punch his baby in the face! thats how i roll! ask around, it happens! ~spines