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Thread: Clash for the Cure 2011! American Cancer Society Warmachine&Hordes Tournament

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  1. #1

    Clash for the Cure 2011! American Cancer Society Warmachine&Hordes Tournament

    Hi guys! I am new to this forum, but not a new gamer in Texas. At one time, I was a pretty avid player of both 40K and WHFB in the Central Texas area. I kind of fell away from my GW days several years ago, only to come back as a Warmachine and Hordes player.

    In my GW days, I was a partner with Tom Keegan in making the Hombre Independent Grand Tournament in Killeen TX. It was a blast, but when my partner moved away to Florida for his job, the Hombre went dormant. It's been percolating in my head for several years but really just couldn't get the motivation to move forward with anything.

    Finally I have gotten the kick in the rear I needed to move forward. I wanted a little more behind me than just the "good time" a tournament organizer gets out of their creation. LOL. I have been surrounded in both my personal life and professional life with all forms of cancer. I couldn't think of a better benefit than the American Cancer Society. So with that in hand, Clash for the Cure 2011 was born.

    The event is to be held in Waco Tx at the Game Closet. The tentative date (and it may vary by a week or so) is October 15th. I know it's early, but to get this thing moving in the direction I wanted with prize support, terrain, and a venue...I kind of had to. We are fixing to be heading into convention season and I needed to see what kind of feeling I could get from some painters and gaming related businesses before the crush of Gencon and the like hit them.

    So the plans are for a 4 game tournament with lots of prizes, trophies, and just an awesome day of playing Warmachine&Hordes.

    We'll be doing pre-registration later on, just trying to get the word out now.

    The plan is for this to become an annual event, but I need some support.

    Any of you that are even remotely interested and have a facebook account, please head over there and search for Clash for the Cure and hit the LIKE button. I need as many likes as I can on there before I start calling up the big names to show I have lots of people interested.

    I have some cool artwork already drawn up, but I need the legals over at Privateer Press to give me the go ahead, so sorry for the "Under Construction" sign on the page.

    Please post here as well so we can all see who's interested!

    Thanks alot guys,

    Rich Courtney

  2. #2
    Senior Member Caldera02's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Sounds like fun! I just started playing hordes but I know a few people that would be interested around here.
    Wargamescon 40k Judge
    Hogleg - "only in my head someone bought CRP's OOP Wraithlord then stuck its toe in cover."

  3. #3

  4. #4

    Now with Color!

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2010

    Now the question is whether you will just want me as a player or if you can use my help running the show.

    I know I've met you at some point too. Your name sounds very familiar. Maybe at a Thor's Hammer RT Tourney a few years back? What armies did you used to play? Or were you an Outrider? I had a big Skaven army I used to carry around on a nice display board with a burnt out inn on it, and a green and purple Eldar army.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Greggle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Sounds like a fantastic event, wish I can make it. I'll plan for Clash for the Cure 2012 though!

  7. #7
    Greggle- I will reserve you a spot!

    GentleBen- PM sent

  8. #8
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Done. This will convince my wife to let me go! "ITS FOR THE CURE!" *puts on black eye liner and striped stockings....*

  9. #9
    Funny, since the name was chosen, I've downloaded "Should I Stay or Should I Go Now" and "Rock the Casbah"...and they have been continuously playing in my head.

  10. #10
    Clash For the cure 2011.jpg

    A look at the shirts for the event as well! Not bad for someone just whipping it up! Well, admittedly, the guy does work in graphic design...much better than my lacking Photoshop skills!

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