The twihard thread has returned after a too long hiatus. Yeahhhh!
To err is human, to forgive is not SAC policy.
I imagine that is much what staring into Cthulhu's visage would be like. There should be a san check warning on this thread.
I didn't really start to shudder until I saw that it was an old woman's face reflected in the mirror. Now I can't remember what it feels like to be warm.
Who the HELL would be stupid and no-life having enough to get that as a tattoo......
"There is only one tactical principle which is not subject to change. It is to use the means at hand to inflict the maximum amount of wound, death, and destruction on the enemy in the minimum amount of time."
- General George Patton Jr
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the baddest mother f***er in the God damn valley"
-Staff Sgt Siek (Jarhead)
At least she can cover hers with a shirt, I'm planning to have Robert Pattinson's face surgically grafted to mine, and special ducts implanted that will allow me to sweat glitter.
Give a man fire, and you keep him warm for a night.
Set a man on fire, and you keep him warm for the rest of his life.
póg mo thóin
If I tell you, "You're wrong," you'll need to click this.
Does anybody else find it odd, by the way, that the information age has led to language becoming an oblique and imprecise tool where even the most straightforward phrasing is pored over with chicken entrails and bone tossing to divine the true meaning?