H: Blood Angel UNassembled Jump Army W: $$$ or trade
UPDATED: Traded away most of the items for Cygnar and High Elves.
UNPAINTED, mostly Unassembled
I like trades:
- Lord of the Rings/Hobbit ect – all good guys first, but any other let me know – first priority
- Warhammer Fantasy/ Age of what? – newer plastic - Dwarves, Ogres, Beastmen
- Kings of War/ Mantic – in case you went out and got a TON of the Dwarves or Basilea
- historical games, non Flames of War
Space marine legs are typically the limiting factor, all other heads, torso, arms, ect are pretty common, so when I list a number of marines, it is based on the legs, you will get a plethera of all other components.
$40 Blood angels Jump dudes
33x Jump dudes, Veterans, DeathCo, Officers, ect, ton of bits:
- New on Sprue BA Death Co – complete, 5 DeathCo marines
- 21x assault or BA legs
- 22x Jump packs – BA and regular 50/50
- 2x Sanguinary Guard Jump packs
- Complete kitted BA Chaplain needing conversion/ assembly
- 2x BA stern guard or Combi melta dudes
- 1x metal Apothecary/ SangPriest
- 1x SM captain
- 2x BA banners
- 1x Veteran with bolt pistol/ pfist
- 5x (I think more) power fist total
- 20x power weapons total - swords, axes, glaves, ect
- Uncounted # of Boltpistol/chainsword combo
- Shoulder pads +++ for all
Last edited by Eusebius Rex; 09-11-2015 at 10:01 AM.