Neither of those wounds are caused by a successful hit from a shooting or melee attack, so Look Out Sir wouldn't apply. The Perils wound that takes place from the Condemner is a direct result of a successful hit from a shooting attack, against which I am allowed to take Look Out Sir. The fact that it auto-wounds on hit in addition to a regular wound you need to resolve is, to me, irrelevant. Look Out Sir doesn't say I only get to take it against non-auto wounds.
If I remember correctly, the Perils wording says I take a wound with no saves of any kind allowed. I don't believe it says I take an unsaved wound. That's an important disctinction. Taking a wound with no saves allowed is on the "other side" of the wound resolution process from an unsaved wound. On the one hand, I have a wound I have not yet resolved but denies me a save, and on the other hand I have a wound that I have already failed to save for whatever reason. If I have a 3+ armor save, no invul or cover save, and take an AP2 wound, I'm also not allowed to take a save of any kind. I can still Look Out Sir that wound after it is assigned but before it is resolved even though I am denied a save.
I don't necessarily have a dog in this fight one way or the other as none of my Psykers will ever be joined to a unit, at least until the new 'Nid codex comes out with any potential changes that may happen there. Right now, I take a hit, I eat a wound I have no way to save. It's lame, stupid BS, but it's pretty clear from a rules point of view. I can definitely see a situation for other players using librarians for farseers where it would be nowhere near as cut and dry.