I like that Mortis Engine and I think they greatly improved the Black Knights
I like that Mortis Engine and I think they greatly improved the Black Knights
OK, that Mortis Engine is pretty freaking amazing.
Malory: Jesus, God, Sterling. School girls?!
Archer: Oh, those are just costumes.
Malory: And I suppose that makes it better?
Archer: Doesn't it?
Snap I wonder if the fluff will actually touch upon black library novels!
How the **** are you supposed to transport that Mortis engine?
These new models are ridonculously amazing, and might just get me back into fantasy, but does anyone know if there will be new zombie models? I absolutely hate the current ones, and will not buy an army if I have to play huge blocks of ****astic 15 year old models next to this new plastic sex.
Give a man fire, and you keep him warm for a night.
Set a man on fire, and you keep him warm for the rest of his life.
The wight king, which you don't include in that post but that is on warseer is the best of the new minis imho.
its all on BOLS so amazing! Nick check out the mantic zombies, better and cheaper
I think the new Krell is the winner.
Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken