YOu know what.. This drives me p the wall. This group is such a big group of whiners that I have ever seen. Nothing out there is even close to hyper competitive but people think it is. This gorup wants to complain more then even play the damn game. Then they get upset when they lose but don't even want to think about why they lose. They immediately think its the other side and cheese or overpower list.
Take example of Mikes game vs me. I had nothing crazy in there but even troops and could of been easily beat. Wrap the brass scorpian then kill everything comes down. Instead run forward... kill maim burn and not wait. Drop Blood thirster down before Sternguard to make it easier to shoot. Could of stayed in the air an extra turn once everything was down and killed anyhing he wanted too. But no instead we complain. we get but hurt and throw a fit about any types.
Expect people to have painted items or armies... Let alone I have Elyisans getting painted by GMM and a whole skitarri army getting painted up for this campaign. decided to borrow Brandon's because I should be getting mine next week. We can't even think about what the other side and its all their fault because they didn't have some type of fluff reason.. We need to reach for straws.. Its ****ing Childish and its baby.
I originally created this forum to help strengthen the community and now i wish I never did any of it. I am done with this and done with this group. Specific few take and ruin the fun out of everything and the hobby for others. Austin 40k should be called the hobby to really complain not to play. Others have been pushed out and just lose interest in playing because of the mass amount of bull**** that comes out.
Won't see me at DL playing ever again.