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Thread: Dragon's Lair W40K Tournament Sunday Feb 8 2000 Point Two List Showdown NewCrons in.

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Hogleg's Avatar
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    Dragon's Lair W40K Tournament Sunday Feb 8 2000 Point Two List Showdown NewCrons in.

    Because of historically poor turnout on SuperBowl Sundays This has been moved to Sunday the 8th


    List Construction for our February Tournament.

    The theme of the tournament is an Assault on a Eldar Craftworld. There will be unique mission modifiers as there were in the January event.

    Players must bring two Battleforged lists at 2000 points.
    Because there is always confusion I'll just state that Battleforged means Unbound lists are not permitted.
    Lists may contain some identical features. (Meaning both lists can have your chapter master, or your Dire Avengers in their serpents, etc. but should be varied enough that you have two distinct tactical options between the two lists e.g. maybe one list has a land raider over a storm raven.)
    There are no source restrictions or limitations other than your list must be Battleforged.
    If you feel you may have a problem constructing a second list, please reach out to me via PM. I've got your back.
    Additionally, players with 6 Wave Serpents, 3 Hive Tyrants, or 6 drop pods, or lists of their ilk, please try to dial your second list back a bit. I can't make you, but hopefully you can see the spirit of the event.

    0-1 Forgeworld Units from each Force Org Selection (meaning you may have 0-1 Forge World Heavy Support choice in addition to 0-1 Forge World Fast Attack, etc. But you may not have 2 Forge World Heavy Support choices).
    If you have a Particular Forgeworld list you want to play PM me, these are usually OK.

    Super Heavy Lords of War
    *Superheavy Lords of War are permitted but may only be on one of your two lists. This means you can have a list with Logan or Dante, and a list with a Warhound. It's the superheavy we're watching.

    *Banned Lords of War
    The following LoW are banned for the February tournament.
    Imperial Reaver Battle Titan
    Eldar Revenant Titan

    *Round 1 Players with LoW lists will be paired against one another, once paired you may choose your list.
    Round 2 Your opponent will choose your list
    Round 3 You will choose your list

    *If there are not enough players with LoW to evenly pair don't fret, I do not anticipate there being a problem finding an opponent willing to play LoW round 1.

    I'll be creating a new category entitled Hobbyist. This category will embody everything but competition: Painting, List Building (Fluff), and Sportsmanship.
    There will be a scoresheet filled out by your opponent at the end of the game. The winner of the Hobbyist Category will receive a Gift Card equivalent to that of First Place.
    You cannot win both Hobbyist and place, you'll receive the better award in the event that this happens.

    Also, I'll be able to tell if you were chipmunked, or if you chipmunked someone, so don't do that.

    Painting will also be scored by me, these scores are separate from Hobby Scores and are added to battle points. You can potentially gain the equivalent of a 4th win out of this, so in the immortal words of BullyMike, "Paint your ****."

    Let me know if you have any questions at all.

    (As a preview, the March Tournament will be at 1850, Cry havoc...)
    Last edited by Hogleg; 02-02-2015 at 02:12 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by RealGenius View Post
    Your "booty > money > toy soldiers" logic is indeed irrefutable.

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