Battlefield Games in Killeen will be hosting the March Mosh Pit 40K Tournament 19 March 2011.
Your army lists should be 2000 points, following the standard org charts. WYSIWYG will be enforced.
You will be playing 3 rounds at 2 hours each. The scenario details will be given during the tourney itself, for each scenario. Having aptly constructed objectives markers and movement tray prepared will earn extra appearance points.
This will be a HOBBY tournament with a max overall score of 198. Points will break down as follows:
72 max Battle Points: 0-20 (+4 bonus) per match
66 max Army Appearance: 0-10 per match / 0-10 (+2 bonus) from each of three external judges
30 max Sportsmanship: 0-10 per match
30 max Composition Score: 0-30 judged by staff using a formula (see post below)
The tournament will have awards for the following:
Best Competitor: highest combination of scores for Appearance, sportsmanship, composition and battle points
Best Appearance: most pure appearance points
Best Sportsmanship: best score for sportsmanship
Tournament Timeline:
0900: Store opens
0945: Final Registration
1000: First match begins
1200: First match ends, Lunch Break
1230: Second match begins
1430: Second match ends, Break
1500: Third match begins
1700: Third match ends
1715: Awards
Cost is free. 18 player max so register early. Post here, sign up at the shop or message us with full name and phone number to confirm a spot. Walk ins are always welcome.
The Store will open at 9 a.m., final walk in registration will end at 9:45. We roll dice at 10. « Last Edit: Today at 08:02:15 AM by BFG »
Armies begin with 30 points. Deduct points as explained (round all percentages up).
Troops – At least 35% of the army must be composed of units taken as troops. For every 2% less than 35%, deduct 1 point.
Non-Troops – No more than 25% in any single category other than troops. For every 1% more than 25%, deduct 1 point.
Pricey Bits – No single model more than 12%, no units more than 23%. For every unit in violation, deduct 3 points. Tyranids receive 1 exemption.
Duplication – No more than 2 of any single choice in HQ, Elite, Fast, or Heavy. No more than 3 of any single choice in Troops. Necrons and Sisters of Battle ignore this rule with their current codices. For each violation, deduct 3 points.
Special Characters – No more than one special character. For each violation deduct 30 points.
Army List – Army list must list each units war gear/upgrades along with costs (separated from total unit cost), number of units per selection, total number of models, and a breakdown of points and choices by selection as well as choices and points spent per category. Five copies of the army list are needed for the tournament – 1 for the judges, 3 for your opponents, and one for yourself. Players that ask for copies to be printed at the store prior to the tournament will receive -5 points.
NOTE: BFG’s Army Builder will NOT be available the morning of the tournament.
Model Count – Divide the tournament points by 15. Any army that exceeds this value will receive -1 point per every 10 models (round up).
« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 10:10:55 PM by BFG »