Tribes in South Austin are good guys. No game room just yet, but they've got warhams.
Tribes in South Austin are good guys. No game room just yet, but they've got warhams.
+1 for tribe. Theyre the friendliest comic store in town. Pretty good selection of warhammer and warmahordes too, and very responsive about getting stuff in.
My only Issue with tribe is no gamespace. and they are like 40 miles from me![]()
I guess it wont stay secrete for too long... there is a new group in south Austin calling themselves "The Tired Gamers" they operate out of there house and they have some decent gaming space. they have been talking with Tribes and soon will have Tribes prize supported Tournaments that the house. their space has 4 tables now but they are looking to growing. The south has some gaming space other than the Shed!
It would be great to get the south more active. I know there are a lot of players down there.
I've been hearing about Tribes for a while, but it would be cool to see them running tournaments.
Yeah, when I was at tribes last they gave me some dude's phone number and told me to call them to play.
I'm not gonna cold call for warhams. I told the tribes guys about this site so that maybe those dudes could come here and post.
All the cards read:
"Darkwynn, Community Pimp"