After I finish getting the terrain for the table for the house done, I'm thinking about starting a second army. Part of my motivation for doing a second army is to have something I can use to introduce friends to the game. My wife's interest in Eldar was fleeting, so I'm thinking about a guard army. Good idea or bad idea? I haven't really had much experience playing against guard, so I'm not sure what direction I should go. The idea of going toward vets in chimeras seems a little too similar to tactical marines in rhinos, so I guess I would be playing blob squads. Based on that, this is a list I put together, allying in my knight to fill some points and provide some punch. To bring it up to 1850, I can add another infantry squad to each platoon and a squadron of wyverns. Thoughts?
(Pardon the crappy Army Builder formatting)
1500 Pts - Codex: Astra Militarum Roster
Total Roster Cost: 1495
: Combined Arms Detachment (62#, 1120 pts)
. . 1 Leman Russ Command Squadron, 0 pts
. . . . 1 Knight Commander Pask's Leman Russ Punisher, 210 pts
. . . . 1 Leman Russ Battle Tank, 170 pts
. . . . . . Heavy Bolter sponsons
. . 1 Ministorum Priest, 25 pts
. . 1 Ministorum Priest, 25 pts
. . 1 Infantry Platoon, 0 pts
. . . . 1 Platoon Command Squad 130 pts
. . . . . . Meltagun x3
. . . . . . Vox-caster
. . . . . . Chimera
. . . . 1 Infantry Squad, 70 pts
. . . . . . Plasma gun
. . . . . . Vox-caster
. . . . 1 Infantry Squad, 55 pts
. . . . . . Vox-caster
. . . . 0 Heavy Weapons Squad, 75 pts
. . . . . . Autocannon x3
. . 1 Infantry Platoon, 0 pts
. . . . 1 Platoon Command Squad 130 pts
. . . . . . Meltagun x3
. . . . . . Vox-caster
. . . . . . Chimera
. . . . 1 Infantry Squad, 70 pts
. . . . . . Plasma gun
. . . . . . Vox-caster
. . . . 1 Infantry Squad, 55 pts
. . . . . . Vox-caster
. . . . 0 Heavy Weapons Squad, 105 pts
. . . . . . Lascannon x3
: Oathsworn Detachment (1#, 375 pts)
. . 1 Knight Paladin [KNI], 375 pts